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Meet the Leadership Team

Ashely Burgess  - President

I am Ashely Burgess, returning BIA Parent Council President for the 2024-25 school year. Mom to fourth grader Austin, who has been at BIA since Kindergarten. I probably echo the gratitude that most families feel for our experience here at BIA. I feel so fortunate that our charter offers a unique and valuable style of teaching and learning with a progressive and heart centered approach, which impacts our children as they transition through all the traditional and non-traditional learning opportunities held within a safe social-emotional environment.


As a parent, who is elated by my son’s growth as a well-rounded human-being, I’m interested in participating more in how our school works more deeply. That is why I am honored to be this year's PC President. I wish to offer my reflective intuitive nature to the nitty gritty of how things work and help our school continue on the path that supports all of our kiddos.


This will be my second year on the Parent Council, and we are looking forward to a great year and supporting BIA's Administration and Staff. I have an open door policy and am open to any emails and suggestions.


Liz McMullen - Secretary

Liz is mom to Katelyn (3rd Grade) and Jane (Kindergarten). They live in Chamblee and have at BIA since Katelyn started Kindergarten in 2021. Liz joined the Parent Council at the end of 2022 as Room Parent Coordinator, and is now continuing the role of Secretary for the 2024-25 School Year.  


Liz works full-time at the Enterprise Software company, Workday.  

Rhonda Ross - Treasurer

Rhonda Ross is mom to Averie Jeremiah Weems, 8th grade and Aiden Nehemiah Weems, 4th grade who both enrolled at BIA in the 2019 school year.  Rhonda is a working mother, currently an AP Finance Analyst with Cox Automotive Inc., a subsidiary of Cox Enterprises Inc. and a global company transforming the way the world buys, sells, owns, and uses cars. 


Rhonda is a graduate of Georgia State University with a degree in Business Administration.  She is continually active with her church, Mountain West where she serves on the Connections and Events Communion team.  Rhonda has previously held leadership positions as a Volunteer Liaison and Social media Engagement chair prior to joining BIA.  She is very excited to be a part of the BIA family and looking forward to supporting the students and teachers of BIA as we thrive in excellence.

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Mallory Barnett - Volunteer Coordinator

Mallory Barnett is mom to 4th grader, Nivaan Sahni, and they live in the Chamblee area and have been coming to BIA since kindergarten. Mallory is from Milwaukee, Wi but moved to Georgia to attend UGA and has lived here for over 10 years. She enjoys reading, playing board games, walks with Nivaan and vacations to the beach. She also likes to hit the golf course or play mini golf with Nivaan on cool days. Mallory is super excited about joining the parent council and inspiring other parents to become volunteers.

Shantae Arnold - Faculty Support/Encouragement Chair

Shantae Arnold graduated from The School of Paul Mitchell Esani in 2021 as a Master
Cosmetologist. Immediately after graduating, she re-enrolled in the Esthetics Program with The School of Paul Mitchell Esani and successfully completed the program in July 2023. Shantae formerly taught a variety of dance styles and techniques to students ages 2 to 10 years old. Shantae has three children, two of which currently attend Brookhaven Innovation Academy. She loves working with children and seeing their eyes light up when they discover something new. Shantae has started the process of enrolling in the University of Phoenix to pursue a career in Early Childhood Education will afford her the firm foundation needed to shape tomorrow’s future.


Danna Tresser - Room Parent Co-Chair

Danna and her husband Brian live in Peachtree Corners with their two kids, Ryder and Rylee.  Ryder just graduated from BIA and Rylee is going into the 6th grade this year.


Danna grew up on a kibbutz in Israel. After serving her two years of service in the Israeli Air Force she decided to travel to the US. Her travels eventually landed her in Gainesville, FL where she attended and graduated from The University of Florida with a degree in Advertising and Marketing. 


Danna's real passion is helping animals. She has her own petsitting company and is a volunteer for several rescue groups. Danna and her family frequently take in foster dogs and help find them forever homes. She also loves organizing events and is often at the school putting together class parties and school events. Danna has been a room parent volunteer for many years and has lots of experience. As this year's room parent co chair, Danna hopes to inspire more parents to volunteer and help make their kids school year fun and memorable. 

Marie Crawford- Room Parent Co-Chair

Bio coming soon!

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Temell Deberry - Communications Chair

Bio Coming Soon!

Kierra Owens - Fundraising Chair

Bio coming soon!


TBD - Events Chair

Bio coming soon!

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