Monthly conference call
Monthly F2F meeting w/Admin
PC101’s are mandatory
Messenger primary mode of communication (no fb required)
Some participation in PC sponsored events for coverage support from council
Application Process
Fill out application-
Applications must be submitted by:
Applicants will be notified by:
Onboarding Expectations
New members will be expected to join the meetings for training. First conference call: TBD
Roles are in place and expected commitment is 2 years
Open positions
Secretary - OPEN
Website Maintenance - OPEN
Fundraiser Director - OPEN
Event Coordinator - OPEN
Work with the Event Director in planning and organize all details related to proposed events
See all events through to completion w/ volunteer assistance.
Coordinate work of all volunteers.
Oversee all details of all events from conception, set up to break down including logistics, volunteers, concessions, music/media, decorations, etc. to clean up.
Balance budget for each event.
Publicize & market events with available outlets and tools
Fill out event dossier in the conclusion of each event.
Co- Volunteer Coordinator - OPEN
Work with the Parent Council, administrative staff and teachers to coordinate volunteer assignments at the school to support student success
Collaborates with other Parent Council members, teachers and administrators to assess and identify how parents/guardians and community members can get more involved at school as volunteers
Volunteer recruitment including tracking volunteer logged hours
Creates and maintains Sign up genius for any/all Volunteer needs
Spirit Night Coordinator - OPEN
Identify spirit night restaurant options (locally near school for PEN and in different neighborhoods for non-PEN nights: Peachtree Corners, Chamblee, etc.
Contact manager of restaurant to determine:
Donation amount (between 15% - 20%)
Night of spirit night (can be all day too)
Anything specific needed (flyers brought in for redemption, receipt box, etc.)
Decorations: i.e. balloons?
Market to BIA families through
Bear Blast
Room parent emails
Class dojo (via Ms. Bradley)
PC website
Pick up check and deliver to Wendy Liu at school